6 returned assemblages

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6 returned assemblages
Assemblages of found objects. Returned. Two sold again.
Dale Copeland

Ans Westra, New Zealand's most well-known photographer, a friend, and an avid collector of art, died.
I knew she had some of my assemblages, and that her family had the huge task of clearing out her house.
Partly to help them, and partly because if nobody wanted them, I would love them back, I asked.
So excited when they said, come and get them.
Paul had just bought a big van so we, and Jimi Houndrix the dog, drove down to Wellington (and back, the same day) and I'm SO pleased to have them back.

Two of them sold two days later - to another loving home.

Dale's studio can be found at Puniho,
Surf Highway, Coastal Taranaki, New Zealand

More of her artwork, and the books she makes, can be found on her site at dalecopeland.co.nz.

email Dale at dale@tart.co.nz

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Image © Dale Copeland